E-ISSN 2347-6923 | ISSN 2277-4092

Original Research 

Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study

Mrudula Divakaran, KL Virupaksha Gupta, B Saravanan.

Superficial fungal infections are prevalent worldwide. Itching is one of the predominant symptoms in fungal infections, and the chances of reoccurrence are on the rise even after different therapeutic interventions in modern medicine. Physicians find it difficult to manage these infections due to drug resistance and adverse effects. There is a need for an effective intervention that can bridge the gap in conventional medicine. Ayurveda, one of the ancient known medicines, provides time-tested solutions for fungal infections. Arkamanashiladi tailam is is one time tested formulation indicated in Kushta (skin diease), Kandu (itching) by the text Chakradatha. This indicates its efficacy against itchy skin diseases like fungal infections. Arkamanashiladi Tailam is prepared with ingredients Arka Patra Swarasa (Calotropis gigantea Linn.), Katu tailam (essential oil of seeds of Brassica campestris) Shoditha Manashila (Realgar) and Haridra (Curcuma longa Linn.) with Katu tailam (mustard oil) base. This study carried out against five fungal species Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Microsporum gypseum, Epidermophyton floccosum,and Trycophyton rubrum. Katu tailam, Arkamanashiladi tailam test samples as trial samples and Fluconazole as standard drug sample anti fungal study carried out with agar well diffusion and disk diffusion method. It was found that Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis showed significant sensitivity towards Arkamanashiladi tailam.

Key words: Keywords: Arkamanashiladi tailam, Mustard oil,Antifungal study, Candida .

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Pubmed Style

Divakaran M, Gupta KV, Saravanan B. Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study. AAM. 2023; 12(3): 254-259. doi:10.5455/AAM.109936

Web Style

Divakaran M, Gupta KV, Saravanan B. Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study. https://www.aamjournal.in/?mno=109936 [Access: January 16, 2024]. doi:10.5455/AAM.109936

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Divakaran M, Gupta KV, Saravanan B. Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study. AAM. 2023; 12(3): 254-259. doi:10.5455/AAM.109936

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Divakaran M, Gupta KV, Saravanan B. Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study. AAM. (2023), [cited January 16, 2024]; 12(3): 254-259. doi:10.5455/AAM.109936

Harvard Style

Divakaran, M., Gupta, . K. V. & Saravanan, . B. (2023) Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study. AAM, 12 (3), 254-259. doi:10.5455/AAM.109936

Turabian Style

Divakaran, Mrudula, KL Virupaksha Gupta, and B Saravanan. 2023. Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study. Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12 (3), 254-259. doi:10.5455/AAM.109936

Chicago Style

Divakaran, Mrudula, KL Virupaksha Gupta, and B Saravanan. "Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study." Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine 12 (2023), 254-259. doi:10.5455/AAM.109936

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Divakaran, Mrudula, KL Virupaksha Gupta, and B Saravanan. "Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study." Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine 12.3 (2023), 254-259. Print. doi:10.5455/AAM.109936

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Divakaran, M., Gupta, . K. V. & Saravanan, . B. (2023) Screening of Anti fungal Activity of Arkamanashiladi Tailam - An In Vitro Study. Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12 (3), 254-259. doi:10.5455/AAM.109936