E-ISSN 2347-6923 | ISSN 2277-4092

Review Article
Online Published: 06 Jun 2012

Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation

Vishnu Dutta Agarwal.

Ayurveda consider health and disease both as the products of food and Life style. A positive life style and wholesome food promote positive health and prevent diseases. It is in tune with this concept that Ayurveda evolved intensive life style care and advocated adoptions of Swasthavritta, Sadvritta and ÀcÁra in all spheres of life. Such codes of life and health conducts relate to personal, social as well as spiritual dimensions of an individual. It is amazing that Ayurveda conceived the significance of the errors of life style in causation of all kinds of diseases, both physical and mental, thousands of years ago which now is increasingly considered as the principal cause of many illness prevalent today. The concept of Ayoga, Atiyoga and MithyÁyoga of KÁla, Buddhi, IndriyÁrth (KÁla-PariÆÁma, PrajnÁparÁdha and Asatmyendriyartha Samyoga) as the three fundamental causes of disease truly refers to the errors of life style and stress for which the only real management is NidÁnapariwajana and positive life style.

Key words: Lifestyle, Preventive Medicine, Nidana Parivarjana

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Vishnu Dutta Agarwal. Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation . AAM. 2012; 1(1-2): 39-43.

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Vishnu Dutta Agarwal. Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation . https://www.aamjournal.in/?mno=21250 [Access: September 13, 2024].

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Vishnu Dutta Agarwal. Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation . AAM. 2012; 1(1-2): 39-43.

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Vishnu Dutta Agarwal. Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation . AAM. (2012), [cited September 13, 2024]; 1(1-2): 39-43.

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Vishnu Dutta Agarwal (2012) Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation . AAM, 1 (1-2), 39-43.

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Vishnu Dutta Agarwal. 2012. Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation . Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine, 1 (1-2), 39-43.

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Vishnu Dutta Agarwal. "Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation ." Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine 1 (2012), 39-43.

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Vishnu Dutta Agarwal. "Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation ." Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine 1.1-2 (2012), 39-43. Print.

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Vishnu Dutta Agarwal (2012) Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation . Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine, 1 (1-2), 39-43.