E-ISSN 2347-6923 | ISSN 2277-4092
Oct 08, 2017

Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine announces the start of a new column as ‘Student’s Corner’

Oct 08, 2017

Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine announces the start of a new column as ‘Student’s Corner’

Seeing the minimal space given to the voice of students in formal education, learning and research publication system in Ayurveda, AAM has planned to initiate a new regular column named as 'Student’s Corner'. For this column, the informal write-ups of bonafied students of ayurveda on various issues relevant to Ayurveda in a multidimensional perspective may be considered for publication.  This column has a fix length of the article which should not exceed 1000 words inclusive of references. The articles in this column may cover a wide area inclusive of almost anything which makes a sense to contemporary ayurveda and is worth to be shared at an international peer reviewed platform. This may include   research observations, case reports, view points, perspectives, challenges, problems , suggestions , adversities , hypothesis , experiments , innovations , anything  which may help making ayurveda a better received medical system in a global perspective. The write up in the beginning should contain a highlight of the article in not more than two crisp sentences saying precisely what the article pleads about. The references if there are any, should essentially be formatted in journals styles which may be looked at the author area at journals website www.aamjournal.in

All the submitted articles in Students corner section will initially be reviewed by editorial board for their suitability of publication. Once found suitable initially they may be send for a quick and liberal peer review considering the articles written by students and not by the professional researchers. For all such articles,   a declaration about the current status of the author as a student in any capacity (UG, PG or Post Doc) in any stream (Ayurveda or outside ayurveda ) is essentially required. This status should be as on the date of article submission. The affiliation declaration of the author should explain their status as a student. There can be a joint authorship for such articles but the contributing author in all such cases should be a student.  

The articles in the section may be submitted online using the online article submission system available at www.aamjournal.in


Further queries are invited to be asked at rastogisanjeev2011@gmail.com


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