E-ISSN 2347-6923 | ISSN 2277-4092
Jun 29, 2014 Advertising in Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine
Jun 29, 2014
Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine has come up as a premier scientific publication if the field of Ayurveda and allied sciences.It is now running in third year of its successful publication. In these years in had published 6 issues covering about 320 print pages full of academic researches pertaining to the field of ayurveda. It has published over 70 articles so far belonging to various categories like original researches, reviews, editorials and case reports. The journal is available in on line and in print model. Its online version is being published on Open access model making all the articles published in the journal freely accessible to every one without charge. So far the journal nearly 15000 down loads for its articles. The journal since its inception has emerged out as a unique platform of mutual communication among stakeholders, practitioners, researchers , educationists , students and policy makers related to the field of ayurveda. It is for this reason , this journal has got a unique positioning of effective communication of the message among all who are concerned with it. Seeing its wide acceptance the journal now proposes to widen its role as a more effective tool of networking among all who are concerned with ayurveda , the service providers,the consumers and the policy makers .
To begin with the journal now accepts personal /individual/ societal information and advertisements and classified listings specific to the services , vacancies and opportunities related to the field of ayurveda. This is in addition to the fulpage advertisements which we accept from pharmaceutical companies and organization/ colleges/ institutes working in field of Ayurveda.
Interested people may send a mail at rastogisanjeev@rediffmail.com or may call at 0091-9415022955 for further inquiry
List of the News / Announcements
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