Jan 27, 2014 Annual Subscription for AAM vol 3 ( 2014)
Jan 27, 2014
Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine (AAM)
A peer reviewed quarterly journal by Association of Ayurvedic Physicians of India (AAPI)
Editorial Office: Mitralaya, Opp.Turia Ganj Prasuti Griha, Tulsi Das Marg, Lucknow-226003
ISSN 2277-4092 http://www.scopemed.org/?jid=70
Email:rastogisanjeev@rediffmail.com, Mob: 09145022955
Application for Annual Subscription (Volume 3-Year 2014)
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India (1 year) Overseas (1 year)
Individual Rs.800/- US$ 80.00
Institutional Rs.2000/- US$ 200.00
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Kindly post the completely filled form along with a DD/ cheque of requested amount on the name of Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine payble at Lucknow, India. For outstation cheques, kindly add Rs.50/- additionally. Post your applications at : Dr Sanjeev Rastogi, Senior Editor AAM, Mitralaya, Opp. Turia Ganj Prasuti Griha, Tulsi Das Marg, Lucknow-226003, India
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